
De Nörfmän

I have now watched The Northman movie. Stand by for spoilers. There is currently a lot of hype surrounding this movie. The hype falls into two categories: people are either pissed because the movie is too historically correct or because it is not historically correct enough. Both of these groups are right but also wrong. …

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Life with the Craft

I was getting reasonably tipsy at a party once, making wobbly needlebound stitches on a sock I was halfway done with. Some guy took real offense and was very upset I was yarning at a party involving alcohol. Such an uncool, grandma thing to do! What were the young ladies of his generation coming to?! …

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The Romance Reader

The dirtiest books are cling wrapped at the bookshop. This is so the casually browsing reader won’t break their spine opening them on page 73, where the action statistically starts. Fortunately, my Kindle app includes Free Samples. Back in the 20th century, we used to collect cheap romance paperbacks and read them at parties, in …

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Vikings – The Longest Rant

Finally! Time for the Vikings rant. What took you so long, you ask? Answer: I basically had to wait for the Iron Age to end first. It’s got ALL the seasons! This is just such a messy rant, what to doo, but anyway: one evening, a few years ago, I sat both uncomfortably full and …

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